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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:47 AM // 04:47   #1
Ascalonian Squire
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Default How will bonus attribute point quests be handled?

In Prophecies there are two quests earn you bonus attribute points, I believe 15 per quest.

Now I'm assuming Factions would have to have two quests like this to balance it with Prophecies characters. Now what if someone owned both Prophecies and Factions and did all four quests with their character so he gets a bonus 60 attribute points. That would be unfair since you are punished for not owning both games. So maybe might cap the attribute point bonuses so if you complete two of the quests you can't complete the other two, or you get no attribute point bonus for doing so?

I'm really curious about this.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:54 AM // 04:54   #2
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I'm willing to bet that if you start in Tyria that the attribute quests in Cantha won't be available. Likewise, if you start in Cantha, they won't be available in Tyria. It's not too complicated.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:55 AM // 04:55   #3
Ascalonian Squire
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I'm sure they've worked that out. But it will be interesting to see how many paralells there are...will there be "ascenscion" in Cantha? My guess is that ascension will be only in the Crystal Desert, and that Cantha will have it's own system. Ascension really wasn't anything game-altering...just the completion of a long series of quests.

My guess is that the 15-att point quests will only trigger for your "home" area. If you make a character in Cantha, he won't be able to do the Prophecies attribute quests, and vice-versa. Of course this is just speculation, but it makes some sense.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 05:24 AM // 05:24   #4
Ascalonian Squire
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That's what I thought...I just wanted to discuss it. I hope you're right.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:08 PM // 16:08   #5
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Originally Posted by ShadowXOR
That's what I thought...I just wanted to discuss it. I hope you're right.
yea, its not to hard to lock out the other quests if you already have the atribute points, they already do it for quests that require you to be a certain class.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:10 PM // 16:10   #6
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Actually, I was kinda hoping they'd offer this so we all get a little boost, even if the level cap doesnt rise.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:19 PM // 16:19   #7
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Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Actually, I was kinda hoping they'd offer this so we all get a little boost, even if the level cap doesnt rise.
No, they won't increase your total attribute points, that would affect the balance of the game.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:19 PM // 16:19   #8
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Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Actually, I was kinda hoping they'd offer this so we all get a little boost, even if the level cap doesnt rise.
Then what would be the point of a level cap?

Seriously, "free" attribute points would unbalance the game would it not?
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:30 PM // 16:30   #9
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Ah yes, never mind. I wasnt taking into account the people who wouldnt have both games.

However, it has nothing to do with the Level cap. Level cap regulates your max health and energy levels aswell. And as I recall, we recieve the last 30 points usually after we've already hit 20. So getting extra points after 20 is nothing new.

While it'd be easy to fix in the PVP accounts by simply raising the level. People who only have Prophecies or Factions would be left behind.

Still, I hope that in the future this happens. Its impossible to run a 4 attribute build without resorting to Superior Runes that just eat your health.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:30 PM // 16:30   #10
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Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Actually, I was kinda hoping they'd offer this so we all get a little boost, even if the level cap doesnt rise.
wouldnt that be the equivalent of a 2 level cap raise?

my, my, what i could do with 30 more points.

that equals a completely free level 7 in an additional area.

or a 9 to an 11 free of charge.

major unbalance there


than dont do 4 of them.

it is your choice what you do.

if that then how about 30 more with each chapter?

2 levels more with each one.

no f way

Last edited by Loviatar; Mar 20, 2006 at 04:33 PM // 16:33..
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:34 PM // 16:34   #11
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like I just stated above, raising your level would do more than just increase your attribute points.

Your health would go up two levels
As would your energy.

and as I stated before, we've already gotten as you call it "A two level rise" after hitting 20 with the two Attribute quests in Tyria.

Extra points would not unbalance the game. Its just there's no balanced way of implimenting it with the game being able to be seperated into two stand alone games. People with every game would have an extreme advantage over those who did not.

Last edited by Arcanis the Omnipotent; Mar 20, 2006 at 04:36 PM // 16:36..
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:45 PM // 16:45   #12
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Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Still, I hope that in the future this happens. Its impossible to run a 4 attribute build without resorting to Superior Runes that just eat your health.
It's called making choices. It keeps things interesting. Sorry if you can't have your 4 attribute fully maxed out character. It's not going to happen. Ever.

Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Extra points would not unbalance the game.
Offcourse extra attributepoints would unbalance the game. They are designed to have X attributepoints, not X+30 attributepoints (X being the total amount of Phrophecies, including the 'extra' 2 attributequests).

Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Its just there's no balanced way of implimenting it with the game being able to be seperated into two stand alone games. People with every game would have an extreme advantage over those who did not.
Well, then we agree it wouldn't be the best idea that is posted on this forum. Or the second best.
Note that having access to both Chapters allready grants the individual player extra strategic options, so he is allready at an advantage. However, looking at a full teambuild, this could perhaps be minimized by having all skills across the whole team to run a certain build's characters.

~ Makk.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 04:50 PM // 16:50   #13
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Wow, apparently I cant post anywhere on this forum anymore without people constantly acting like I'm a noob.


No, extra attribute points would not unbalance the game? Why? Because an extra 30 would not "MAX OUT" 4 attributes like you just said.

At most, it would give you the ability to do 3 level 10s and probably a level 7 in the 4th. And even then if you did Superior runes then, we're only talking 10,13,13,13 With like the worst health you could possibly ask for, and you'd need a build like a 55 Monk to be able to survive.

30 extra points would just make it possible to run 4 without resorting to stupid runes. But I already said that my idea didnt work.

Is it really neccessary for you to act like an ass about it?
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 05:04 PM // 17:04   #14
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Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Wow, apparently I cant post anywhere on this forum anymore without people constantly acting like I'm a noob.


No, extra attribute points would not unbalance the game? Why? Because an extra 30 would not "MAX OUT" 4 attributes like you just said.

At most, it would give you the ability to do 3 level 10s and probably a level 7 in the 4th. And even then if you did Superior runes then, we're only talking 10,13,13,13 With like the worst health you could possibly ask for, and you'd need a build like a 55 Monk to be able to survive.

30 extra points would just make it possible to run 4 without resorting to stupid runes. But I already said that my idea didnt work.

Is it really neccessary for you to act like an ass about it?
Arcanis, I know you are a long timer on this forum, I would not call you a 'noob'. However this game is about choices. You CAN now choose for 4 attributelines if you wish so. You can even choose to run 5, 6 or 7 attributelines. The price you pay for having diversity access on your character is having weaker versions of your skills compared to when you have 2 or 3 attributelines. That is called making choices, and is part of the gamebalance, wether liked or not.

Adding 30 attributepoints wouldn't help in any way. It would maybe even lead to nerfing of various skills, since more powerfull skillcombinations of 3 or 4 attributelines would be able to be used togheter without much problem. Expanding on this, players would almost be forced to take (3 or) 4 attributelines, since there would be no advantage in taking only 2 attributelines. How would that improve the game?
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 05:07 PM // 17:07   #15
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Well, actually, it'd help out PVE people alot.
In PVP it'd be unbalanced.

So then the choice becomes:

Extra points for PVE and those characters not allowed in the PVP areas anymore.
Keep things the way they are.

So in that respect it also would be a bad idea. I prefer using my PVE character when I do bother to pvp.

I think I'll just bow out of this thread now, I didnt really contribute anything =)
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 05:10 PM // 17:10   #16
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I doubt it, 200 attribute points will be max.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 05:47 PM // 17:47   #17
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*shakes head, walks off to find something to do..*
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 06:18 PM // 18:18   #18
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Poor Arcanis....

No, it's not exactly gaining a level, obviously. But since people take a minus 75 HP hit to have a 16 attribute, one could argue attribute points matter more than HP.

If Factions has extra attribute quests available to everyone, will Chapter 3 too? If it doesn't become unbalanced with Factions, it will eventually...

and that will go against Anet's whole plan of not having to buy every Chapter to be competitive.

Even if it's only for PvE like you suggested, that would still eventually spawn uber-characters who would break the teamplay concept. Plus, it appears that Anet is trying to bring PvE and PvP closer together, not farther apart.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 06:59 PM // 18:59   #19
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1, yes it would lead to unbalance because then people could take advantage of certain combos. take the new sentinal armor, people would be able to max strength easy, then have points to put into weapons, and then say earth magic so they can have even more armor.

2 your energy doesnt go up with yout level.

3. grow up and stop pouting that people arnt agreeing with you. I dont think you truely understand how a change like that could vastly change the game. Anet has enough to do keeping the new skills balanced. and besides, attrib points would then be abused, anet would nerf, and then peoples main class would feel the hurt. then there would be more complaining, and it would happen more if they gave more attrib points in other expansions*. then the game will become a grind, and it will fall into the ground in a huge firey exlposion.

*yes I called it an expansion, because it is i you already own the game. its only stand alone if your new.
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Old Mar 20, 2006, 07:00 PM // 19:00   #20
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Agree with others that they will be locked out from C1 characters and C2 will not have access to C1 attribute quests and would be very unbalanced over time.
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